Other Points of Information

If you need to get information into the Stake Calendar or have questions about your records or ordination certificates, contact Brother Russ Meyers.  You can e-mail him at: russmeyers@gmail.com or text him at 208-241-8490

If you need an appointment with the Stake President or a member of the presidency, or to get an announcement into the White Sheet or the Stake Information Center (blue sheet), contact Brother Dave Jensen: brotherDaveJensen@icloud.com , text: (208)244-2832.

To have information or announcements added to the Stake Information Center (bluesheet), please email brotherDaveJensen@icloud.com. If you would like that information included in the monthly emailing of the Stake Information Center, please send in your additions before last Sunday of the month. Those additions will be added to the website as they come in, but will only get mailed out once a month on or around the 1st of each month.